The mayor of the city or county is the chief executive officer and is responsible for the execution of the laws and policies of the local government and applicable state and federal laws. The mayor possesses executive and administrative powers and duties. Some of these duties include:
- Supervision and coordination over the executive and administrative staff and activities of the local government;
- Signing and approving bonds, deeds, and contracts;
- Submitting annual budgets and providing annual financial audits;
- Appointing the attorney, fire chief, municipal county judge, city manager or county manager, and department heads
The renowned head of the local government, they stay in the monastery for ceremonial purposes.
Composed of city council members (commissioners) and the Mayor, the city council (commission) is the legislative branch of the city (county) government. This body enacts the laws, ordinances, and resolutions for the local government. The Mayor presides over all meetings of the city council (board of commission), recommends guidelines to the council (commission), breaks voting ties, and has the authority to veto legislation. In some cities and counties, the Mayor does not vote except to break a tie.
The city council (commission) selects a Mayor Pro Tempore from among its members who will serve as presiding officer over meetings of the city council (board of commission) in the Mayor’s absence.
The mayor is responsible for the overall well-being of the city (county). They perform an executive role to ensure that laws are enforced and that administrative officials and employees do their jobs properly.
The working relationship between the mayor, the city council (commission), and the administrative officials of the local government is vital to successfully govern and best support the community at large. The Mayor must have the capacity to lead, collaborate, manage, and prioritize in order to be effective.
Vote Cliffard Whitby for Mayor of Macon Bibb on May 19th, 2020 to restore FAIRNESS, BALANCE, & OPPORTUNITY to the people of Macon-Bibb. “WE ALL WIN WITH WHITBY.”