Mr. Cliffard Whitby is a lifelong resident of Macon and is a Southwest graduate. He is married to Dr. Shantel King-Whitby and has six daughters and two grandsons.
He is the President of Whitby Inc., a property and business development company. He initially started out as a sole contractor doing minor home repairs and later partnered with the City of Macon and the Department of Housing and Urban Development Authority on residential revitalization projects to combat blight.
He received several notable awards for his work with the city. He has also partnered with the College Hill Alliance in the past building homes in the Beall’s Hill Area adjacent to Mercer University.

Outside of the residential and commercial building, Mr. Whitby has served on multiple boards and held numerous leadership roles over the years.
These roles include Tri-Chair for the Macon-Bibb Economic Impact Study, Executive Director of the Central Georgia Partnership for Individual and Community Development and past president and current member of the 100 Black men for over 20 years supporting programs for at-risk youth.
He also served as the Director of the Macon Promised Neighborhood Program, which brought many local organizations together in an effort to provide extended services to underserved families and children.
In recent years, he served as Chairman for the Macon-Bibb County Industrial Authority and was responsible for bringing new industries such as Khumo Tires, First Quality Diaper, and Irving Tissue to the Macon-Bibb area.
More notable is the thousands of jobs his efforts brought to the community. All in all, the economic impact of his work at the Industrial Authority resulted in over $2 billion dollars of industry investment in Macon-Bibb.
He is a champion for the youth, from supporting his alma mater, Southwest High School to supporting and participating in numerous youth programs including Rites of Passage and Adopt-A-Role Model, to spearheading large, youth-scholarship fundraisers such as the 100 BM’s Music City Classic, to providing facilities to host many other youth programs.
As Industrial Authority Chairman, he took the lead in providing venues for successful, local entrepreneurs to engage with aspiring young professionals and also partnered with Mercer University to provide some start-up funds for its Innovation Center Program.
Vote for Cliffard Whitby on August 11th for Mayor of Macon-Bibb in person at YOUR local precinct. FIND YOURS HERE: He is running for Equity, Balance, and Fair Play!
Early voting starts on July 20th through August 7th at the Board of Elections – 2525 Pio Nono Avenue, Macon, GA.