Witnessing The Power of the “Widow’s Mite” In Children!
Mark 12:43
43 Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. 44 They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.”
This week, I was touched by the giving of two young Maconites named Taylor (11-years old) and Tyler (8-years old), around eight years of age. They contributed $5.00 to support the campaign.
Though some may view this as a small thing, I’m sure it was a big deal to them, and it is an even bigger deal to me. Taylor & Tyler didn’t give out of wealth, they gave from belief!

Their commitment to being involved and taking action speaks volumes and cannot be overlooked.
So, Taylor & Tyler, thank you greatly!
This type of commitment expresses to me why I am here fighting for our community.
Thanks to everyone who has contributed to helping move the Whitby2020 Campaign forward. Some of you have given in time and effort. You have shared our platform with your friends, family members, and even strangers. I am also very appreciative of those who have contributed monetarily.

Your contributions, whether big or small, are much needed. Those contributions help us communicate our vision. We vision a better future for Macon-Bibb for as many of our citizens as possible.
I know many people are facing financial hardship, but you have still made the sacrifice to give. I do not take that as a small thing.
Any amount will be put to good use.
You have helped to make this fundraising cycle very successful, maybe not in the total amount given but in the number of individual, small contributions.
So, thanks again to all of you for standing with us and continuing to support the Whitby2020 campaign. Together we will win on June 9th, and create a better future for all of Bibb County.
Heartfelt Thanks,
Cliffard Whitby