Term limits for mayors vary from state to state and city to city. The term limitations and governing rules are normally found within a city’s municipality’s or county’s charter and or code of ordinances. Let’s look at some examples across the nation.
A referendum on the New York City Charter in 1993 imposed two-term limits on the city’s elected officials. The New York City mayor could serve two terms of four years each, while the city council has a term of three to four years.
On November 3, 2008, when Michael Bloomberg was in his second term as mayor, New York City Council voted to change the two-term limit to three terms, and a year later, Bloomberg was elected for a third term. In Cincinnati, Ohio, term limits for the mayor are two successive four-year terms.
In Macon-Bibb County, the mayor shall be limited to serving a total of no more than two four-year terms. Each commission member shall be limited to serving a total of three four-year terms.
An initial term of fewer than four years shall nevertheless be deemed a full term, and prior service as an officer of the City of Macon or Bibb County shall not be computed for such limitations.
The mayor is broadly elected and retains the executive responsibility conferred upon it by general law and the municipal law. The mayor is in office for four years, although voters can change the terms through a referendum.
The mayor is elected for a four-year term and can only be re-elected once. The mayor supervises the executive and appoints the city administrator (county manager), subject to approval by the city council (commission), and is not a voting member of the city council (commission). He or she can establish a tie – and, in the event of a deadlock, cast a vote.
One of the mayor’s primary focuses is promoting economic development by widening and strengthening the city’s (county’s) trade and employment base.
Cliff Whitby has a PROVEN track record in economic development, bringing businesses and jobs right here to Macon-Bibb. As our community begins to bounce back from the crisis of this time, Macon-Bibb needs proven Leadership to guide us through!
Vote WHITBY for Mayor of Macon Bibb on May 19, 2020 to restore FAIRNESS, BALANCE, & OPPORTUNITY to the people of Macon-Bibb.