In this community gathering, we will have a field of young adult community leaders that are poised to take on the challenge of making Macon-Bibb a better place. The panel assembled are honorable men and women that represent the younger demographic of residents dedicated to this community.

Moving under the BOLD statement, “We GOT NEXT,” it’s essential we hear the voices and concerns of these movers and shakers.
Macon-Bibb County, amid a global pandemic threatening the health and safety of all of her citizens, must brace to absorb the impact of yet another great challenge and severe threat to the peace and prosperity we all share. This threat is especially dangerous to our children and young adults. The upcoming election on June 9th is vitally important to them. This is why they are supporting the vote of Cliffard Whitby as new leadership for the Mayor of Macon-Bibb.

If we rise to the occasion and choose wisely, we can chart a new course leading to better schools, better jobs, safe and secure neighborhoods, and overall growth and prosperity. If we fail to meet this challenge, we face a future filled with apprehension, stagnation, uncertainty, and hopelessness. Failure is not an option.

Tune in and pay attention! At this crucial place in our history we can stand up or bow out.
Your vote is your voice. So speak up!
If you are not registered to vote, REGISTER. If you haven’t received your application for an absentee ballot, get one. But most importantly, VOTE!
Never have our actions today been more important to the fate of our tomorrow.

JUNE 9TH we have a choice. Let’s move forward together!