Macon-Bibb County, in the midst of a global pandemic threatening the health and safety of all of her citizens, must brace to absorb the impact of yet another great challenge and serious threat to the peace and prosperity we all share. That next great challenge soon to come is the election of new leadership.

If we rise to the occasion and choose wisely, we chart a course leading to better schools, better jobs, safe and secure neighborhoods, and overall growth and prosperity. If we fail to meet this challenge, we face a future filled with apprehension, stagnation, uncertainty, and hopelessness. Failure is not an option.
A broad field of candidates willing to accept the challenges which lie ahead is assembled and offer to take Macon-Bibb into the future in political office. Those assembled are honorable men and women, well-meaning and dedicated to this community.

They are all seeking the opportunity to prove that they have what it takes to move Macon-Bibb forward. One well known already proven leader stands out from the crowd however and needs no introduction, orientation, or time to negotiate the learning curve.
That leader is Mr. Cliffard Whitby.
Mr. Whitby has the knowledge, experience, compassion, empathy, and dogged determination to take the reins at this critical juncture. From leading Whitby Inc. as an entrepreneur, he was appointed as Chairman of the Macon-Bibb Industrial Authority(MBCIA), at a time where economic development in Macon-Bibb was stagnant.

Under his leadership, MBCIA, grew from a sleepy quasi-governmental agency with a quarter of a million-dollar budget, to a self-sustaining, job-creating economic powerhouse with a budget in the millions.
Successful companies such as Tractor Supply Company, Kuhmo Tire USA, Irving Tissue, Amazon, and dozens of others chose to plant their corporate flags in Macon-Bibb. Attracting such economic juggernauts to Macon resulted in the creation of hundreds of new high paying jobs to the area, thus raising the standard of living for our citizens, and countless opportunities for small and minority-owned businesses to flourish.

As a candidate for mayor, you will find that Mr. Whitby is a person who listens. He is a quiet man who clearly understands that God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason. Ours, in many ways, is a divided community.
Mr. Whitby understands the importance of bringing the community together and having us all pulling in the same direction. He will work hard to make sure Macon-Bibb is one united community.

Our community faces many challenges ahead, economic inequality, poverty, blight, safe housing, and crime, to name a few.
Cliffard Whitby has a plan to address each of these debilitating challenges, and based on his successful track record, we believe he will once again succeed, and its why we are supporting Cliffard Whitby for Mayor of Macon-Bibb 2020.

- Sam Hart, Former Chairman of the Bibb County Board of Commissioners – Current Chairman of the Macon Water Authority
- Rev. I.E. Mack, Pastor of Unionville Missionary Baptist Church
- Attorney Virgil Adams
- Billy Pitts, Owner, and Founder of Mutual Financial Group
- John Chandler, Retired Executive Director of Star Choices, Inc.
- Diane Patterson, Retired State of Georgia Employee
- Becky Sitten, Retired Bibb County Educator
- Rev. Bryant Raines, Pastor of New Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Church
- Tom Sitten, Retired Macon-Bibb County Economic Community Development Department Housing Manager
- Andrew Galloway, Retired Senior Vice President of the Medical Center of Central Georgia – Managing Member of Galloway Consulting LLC